Classic American Philosophers
Max Fisch
Not Available
Reason, Experience, and God
Vincent Colapietro
Peirce's Philosophical Perspectives
Vincent G Potter
Philosophy in Experience
Richard E Hart and 1 more
Charles S. Peirce
William James on the Courage to Believe
Robert J OConnell
The Metaphysics of Experience
Elizabeth Kraus
Pragmatism, Reason, and Norms
Kenneth Westphal
Experience and God
John Smith
Pragmatism, Rights, and Democracy
Beth J Singer
Self, God and Immortality
Eugene Fontinell
Representative Practices
Kory Spencer Sorrell
The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce, Volume II
John J McDermott
The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce, Volume I
The Gleam of Light
Naoko Saito and 1 more
Revealing Whiteness
Shannon Sullivan
Naoko Saito
Legal Pragmatism
Michael Sullivan
The Drama of Possibility
Pragmatism as Post-Postmodernism
Larry A Hickman
Emerson and Self-Culture
John T Lysaker
John Dewey's Ethics
Gregory Fernando Pappas
Irony in the Age of Empire
Cynthia Willett
Josiah Royce in Focus
Jacquelyn Ann K Kegley
Susanne Langer in Focus
Robert E Innis
John Dewey Between Pragmatism and Constructivism
The Essential Santayana
Martin A Coleman
George Santayana and 2 more
Pragmatism, Nation, and Race
Chad Kautzer
100 Years of Pragmatism
John J Stuhr
Emerson and Thoreau
Lawrence Buell and 1 more
John Dewey's Philosophy of Spirit
John R Shook
John R Shook and 1 more
Levinas and James
Megan Craig
The Practical Anarchist
Josiah Warren and 1 more
Pragmatism in the Americas
Conversations on Peirce
Douglas R Anderson and 1 more
Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups
Stanley Cavell & The Education of Grownups
Thoreau's Importance for Philosophy
Rick Anthony Furtak
Loyalty to Loyalty
Mathew A Foust
Quantum Mechanics and the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead
Michael Epperson
William James in Focus
W J Gavin
The Things in Heaven and Earth
John Ryder
Larry A Hickman and 2 more
Doing Philosophy Personally
Dwayne A Tunstall
Pragmatic Pluralism and the Problem of God
Sami Pihlström
The Human Eros
Thomas M Alexander
X-- The Problem of the Negro as a Problem for Thought
Nahum Dimitri Chandler
The Relevance of Royce
Kelly A Parker
Thinking Through the Imagination
John J Kaag
Art and Morality
Morris Grossman
John Lachs
The Problem of the Color Line at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
W E B Du Bois
Pragmatism With Purpose
Peter H Hare
The Much-at-Once
Bruce Wilshire
Toppling the Melting Pot
JoséAntonio Orosco
Cosmopolitanism and Place
Jessica Wahman
The Cost of Comfort
Habits of Whiteness
Terrance MacMullan
Philosophy Americana
Douglas R Anderson